- Who has the ability to add new team members?
- How do I add project team members?
- How do I remove project team members?
- How do I change who holds the Project Administrator role?
- How do I change a team member's role?
- What do the different Authorization Levels mean?
- Can I assign credits to different project team members?
- Can different people on a Campus or Volume project team have different levels of access?
- How do I add a licensed professional (LP) in LEED Online?
- I'm a LEED AP, however in the drop-down menu under IDc: Innovation, for selecting LEED AP as a principal participant, it's not showing my name. I would like to list myself as the LEED AP for INc: Innovation. How do I do this?
Who has the ability to add new team members?
The Project Administrator and any Project Team Managers may add new team members. To add a team member open the "Team" tab within your project in LEED Online and utilize the "Add Member" functionality.
How do I add project team members?
This action may only be completed by the Project Administrator or Project Team Managers. Once in a registered project, complete the following:
- Under the project name, click “Team”
- Enter the team member’s email address. The email address must be associated with their LEED Online account.
- Click the “Add Member" button
How do I remove project team members?
This action may only be completed by the Project Administrator or Project Team Managers. Once in a registered project, complete the following:
- Under the project name, click “Team”
- In the team list, find the desired team member
- Click the corresponding “x” to deactivate the desired team member
How do I change who holds the Project Administrator role?
Only the current Project Administrator can reassign his/her role to a different person. A maximum of one Project Administrator is allowed on a project at a time.
To reassign the role, the current Project Administrator must:
- Visit the project's "Team" page in LEED Online.
- Click on the blue edit icon next to the individual's name who would be the next Project Administrator.
- Choose "Project Admin" from the Authorization Level dropdown and click update. The Authorization Level of the old Project Administrator will change to Project Team Manager. However, if the current Project Administrator is no longer available, contact us with your request.
How do I change a team member's role?
On the "Team" page for a given project, click on the blue edit icon next to an individual's name. Choose a role from the role drop-down menu and click "Update". At this time, custom roles cannot be created. Only the Project Administrator and Project Team Managers may assign and change the roles of team members.
What do the different authorization levels mean?
The Project Administrator and Project Team Managers can:
- Add new team members
- Deactivate team members
- Change team members' authorization levels
- Change team members' roles
Only the Project Administrator role can re-assign the Project Administrator role to another individual.
Otherwise, the Project Administrator, Project Team Managers, and Project Team Members all have the same level of access to the project and credit documentation.
For example, all authorization levels have the ability to submit the project for review.
Can I assign credits to different project team members?
Yes, but it can only be limited to those with the Project Team Member authorization level. To do so, a Project Team Administrator or Manager would need to enable the Exclusive Access feature on the "Team" tab. Then, administrators or managers can assign individual team members to particular prerequisites and credits by using the "Team" button within each form/credit on the Credits tab of your project in LEED Online. With Exclusive Access enabled, your team members can only modify documentation for credits to which they are assigned. They will still have read-only access to all credits. "Administrators" and "Team Managers" will retain full access to all credits.
Can different people on a campus or volume project team have different levels of access?
Yes. In order to use the new Access Rights feature to modify your team’s access, first ensure any team members that you wish to restrict project access for are set to the Member authorization level on the "Team" tab.
When entering the "Access Rights" tab, you will see a dropdown list of team Members at the top. Select the Member whose access you would like to modify. Below this, you will see a list of projects within your Campus/Portfolio, organized in a hierarchy (click the "+" to expand if you’re not seeing all the projects). Check or uncheck the boxes under the "View" and "Edit" columns to allow or disallow access to each project as necessary, and click the "Save Rights" button.
- View: This allows the user to see the project and all documentation but does not allow them to make any modifications.
- Edit: This allows users access to make changes to the project as necessary.
- No Access: Removing both View and Edit access will remove the team member’s access to the project altogether.
How do I add a licensed professional (LP) in LEED Online?
Individual users can assign themselves as licensed professionals in LEED Online. Here's how:
- Log into LEED Online.
- Go to the top, right dropdown menu with your name. Select “Credentials” from the list.
- Select the “Add LP Information” button. A new window will open asking for the following information:
- Your name as shown on your license
- Your license number
- Subject specialty of license
- Licensed professional category
- Expiration date
- Country
- State of license
- Once you’ve entered all required information, select “Add LP.""
I'm a LEED AP, however in the drop-down menu under IDc: Innovation, for selecting LEED AP as a principal participant, it's not showing my name. I would like to list myself as the LEED AP for INc: Innovation. How do I do this?
In order for the LEED Online system to indicate you as having the credential, you must first upload a copy of your LEED AP certificate to the credentials section in LEED Online. Please follow these steps:
- Log in to your account in LEED Online at www.leedonline.com.
- Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the LEED Online screen and select "Credentials" from the drop-down list.
- Under "LEED Accredited Professional Information", click on the teal button entitled "Add AP Information"
- A window will open. Enter your name as it appears on your LEED AP certificate, and upload a copy of your LEED AP Certificate.
- Click the teal "Add AP" button.
After following the above steps, your name should be available in the LEED AP selector under the credit in the Credits page of the project. You should only have to add this information once and not for each project you work on.